Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Last Day of February! Yes…

The longest month of the year is about to close and good riddance. Twenty-eight days in February is like time served beneath ground. There’s no humor to this month – witness the hostile reception for Seth MacFarlane’s tasteless Oscar antics – but then again this is the Family Guy.

Laughter during February is most difficult. Someone sprays a joke on you and the response – huh? This is the, ‘I don’t get it month or I don’t care to get it month’

I laugh continuously basically because I was born with a laugh gizmo stuffed between lungs and heart. That’s why I can react out of synch at punch lines from medical jokes – in fact CSI television puts me in Shecky Green laugh trauma.

Above the gizmo is the same frayed dread blanket all of us share this month. Please cover my feet!

March will be upon us and a whiff of spring will be in the air if you live in North Carolina – Toronto – mid - April. Here it will snow March 26th – just because you thought flowers were in near bloom witnessing a few slivers of tulip stalks pop through the sidewalk. The jokes on us – flowers have a sense of humor too.

We will walk with our heads down - curse the shivering winds and ask ourselves why won’t winter die or why isn’t climate change doing a proper job – we’re paying for it.

You will closely monitor those fattening buds on trees and tell a friend or spouse – ‘See, spring is two days away.’ You will likely leave the house wearing a sweater and running shoes and return after purchasing a parka and rain boots.

Whatever the case without winter life is so wrong! The price we pay for cruel February is returned in a jeweled cased exotic moment when first we inhale the birthing of spring. Does anyone have a date for that yet?

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